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Smuggler's Cove: Exotic Cocktails, Rum, and the Cult of TIki
Smuggler's Cove

A fruity, tasty punch which would be good for parties not necessarily filled with rum, tiki, or cocktail nerds which still uses some interesting ingredients.

The official recipe uses St. Elizabeth Allspice Dram, but that's never available near me. I used my own Allspice Dram made with Wray and Nephew Overproof White rum using the ratios from Alton Brown's Recipe and a couple sticks of cinnamon added for the second week.


Ingredient Amount Notes
Lemon Juice 1 Fl. Oz.
Pineapple Juice 2 Fl. Oz.
Pear Liqueur 12 Fl. Oz.
Licor 43 12 Fl. Oz.
Allspice Dram / Pimento Dram 14 Fl. Oz.
Brandy 12 Fl. Oz.
Bourbon 1 Fl. Oz.
Moderately Aged Rum 1 Fl. Oz. Smuggler's Cove category 4 - column still aged rum


The Smuggler's Cove book specifies this as a punch with volumes for a single drink, but instructions to batch up and chill, then serve as a punch with a block of ice.

For a single serving, do the usual